Category=Database Maintenance Name=07.1. Migrate- Index Data to BiblicalContent of New Data Model Description=Grabs data from current VMR tables and imports it to populate the BiblicalContent table Heading=Import Index Data Into BiblicalContent OutputLevel=1 Import2LSQL=SELECT DOCUMENTID from DOCUMENT| \ SELECT DISTINCT '{0}', \ lfNr PAGEID, \ (SELECT 2000000000 + (floor(begAdr/10000)*1000000) + (floor(begAdr/100%100)*1000) + begAdr%100), \ (SELECT 2000000000 + (floor(endAdr/10000)*1000000) + (floor(endAdr/100%100)*1000) + endAdr%100), \ coalesce((SELECT INSTITUTIONID FROM INSTITUTION WHERE NAME=inst), 49) INSTITUTIONID, \ abbr USERID \ \ from cont{0} WHERE begAdr is not null and begAdr > 10100 and endAdr is not null and endAdr > 10100 order by lfNr| \ [v{2}..{3}]INSERT INTO BIBLICALCONTENT ( \ \ VERSE, \ DOCUMENTID, \ PAGEID, \ INSTITUTIONID, \ USERID \ \ ) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {5}, '{6}') IgnoreException=Error Code: 1146